🎙️Where does the largest potential of Generative AI lie? The capacity to 'create business processes that were previously IMPOSSIBLE' ! In this Innovation Special, I am delighted to dive deep into today's leading innovation dr...
🎙️As 'change' sits center stage across the world impacting the future of work and society, in this special ahead of SAP Sapphire we focus on all things future landscape of Cloud, AI and Generative AI. To explore this in depth...
🎙️As the RSA Conference 'Where the World Talks Security™' hits full swing, the stage is set for a deep dive across the many changes impacting data vulnerability from both a cybersecurity AND a data management perspective. To ...
🎙️In today’s cyber special with Veritas Technologies our focus is on the need to move beyond Zero Trust to Zero Doubt – enabling holistic, embedded and experience-centric cyber-resilience by design! In particular, we discuss ...
🎙️Enabling a secure, reliable and collaborative future - wherever we may be working from! In this live special with AT&T Business our focus is on exactly this with special guest the brilliant Doug Jones, EVP, Product Manageme...
🍃In this ESG Live podcast special, we are delighted to share a holistic focus on advancing ESG outcomes across technology, culture, skills, change management, process, collaboration and of course, measurement perspectives too...
🍃Fresh from COP28, a focus on all things ESG could not be more timely and in particular the how of excelling in Governance, that vital bridge between Environmental and Social impact that scales. And this especially so given t...
🍃Fresh from COP28, a focus on all things ESG could not be more timely and in particular the how of excelling in Governance, that vital bridge between Environmental and Social impact that scales. And this especially so given t...
🚀In today’s Age of AI, the all important topic of Cyber Resiliency and in particular, the imperative to enable a 360-degree Defence comes centre stage - but what does this actually mean in practice? 🔸For this special feature,...
💻 When it comes to managing workloads and the future of modern work, Tomorrow's Tech Today believes that the key enablers for optimization have expanded beyond the key tenets of Performance, Security, Manageability and Stabil...
🎤A Live Special - with both the inaugural AI Safety Summit in the UK alongside US President Biden's Executive Order on the Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence bringing the Generative AI...
Human-machine partnership has long been the crux of transformation and the recent rise of Generative AI has sparked entirely new sets of possibilities! But what are the lessons we can learn from the ‘sudden’ impact on the way...
Introduction: Data Resilience in the Age of GenAI In the age of Generative AI (GenAI), data has become more critical than ever. GenAI algorithms require massive amounts of data to train and operate, and the integrity and availability of thi…
Prof. Sally Eaves is Senior Policy Advisor for the Global Foundation of Cyber Studies & Research and CEO of Aspirational Futures which enhances inclusion and diversity in education and technology. A highly experienced Chief Technology Officer, Professor in Advanced Technology and Global Strategic Advisor, Sally is an Author and Speaker on Digital Transformation (Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, IoT, 5G, AI, Blockchain), Culture, Skills, Sustainability and Social Impact.