Build a Sentiment Analysis App with Hugging Face! #genai #llm

Level Up Your AI Skills! With AI #developer skills forecast to be the most in demand of the next decade, this free webinar not be more timely!

Register free here! 🔗 August 9th and On Demand!

Join us to learn more about Hugging Face, GenAI and LLMs with featured speakers: Madhukar Kumar, Chief Developer Evangelist & Pranav Aurora, Product Manager at Singlestore

Perfect for software engineers, data scientists, developers, AI enthusiasts and beyond, you will learn how to:
✔️Understand the concept of semantic search, sentiment analysis and their value in AI applications.
✔️Build an open source AI application on private data using the Hugging Face platform.
✔️Explore how to vectorize data into SingleStoreDB for more contextualized and intelligent results.
✔️Gain insights into applying AI and ML technologies for HR, Advertising, Consulting and myriad business processes.
✔️Participate in a hands-on demo and real-time code sharing session, enhancing your practical understanding of the subject.

And there's more! If you cannot make the session live, all registrants will automatically receive a copy of the webinar video recording and GitHub assets via email afterwards! @SingleStore

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